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Finals / Paul-Aimé Joncas /130523

Finals / Paul-Aimé Joncas /130523


Your final plans are ready!


Hello Mr. XXX, (XXX your CC technologist)


I hope you enjoyed your experience at Plan Maison Québec.


I understand that your plans will take your attention at the moment, but, if you are satisfied with the services of XXX and Plan Maison Québec in general.Would you please be kind enough to leave us a positive review on our social networks?? It's really nice to read and it helps us a lot with the company's SEO, so it would be very appreciated. Furthermore, to encourage good service and your satisfaction in this regard,we offer a $50 bonus to your technologist for a review of 4 stars or more. This is also a great way for you to reward him if you really appreciated his work.


Here is the direct link to leave your review on Google if necessary:


Here is the link to leave a review on Facebook if necessary:


Of course, You can also send me any comments that would allow me to improve things. My direct line if necessary 1.888.746.8466 ext. 803.


Eventually, To show my appreciation for working with you, I would like to offer you a 10% discount on all Plan Maison Québec services for yourself, your colleagues and your loved ones, including our online models.. Simply ask them to tell us that you referred us and we will apply the discount on your behalf. In light of your management of the project, I am convinced that you will be kind to us and that we can trust your judgment in this regard. I hope you appreciate this small gesture from us to your attention.


Don't hesitate to come back to us if there is anything wrong with your drawings.


A big thank you for your great customers and good success with the project!


Pascal Lamontagne

Owner and administrator


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