Addition of floor Montreal | Plan Maison Québec
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Addition of floor Montreal

Type of project :

Agrandissement maison, Ajout d'étage

Architectural Technologist / House designer :

Isabel S.

Creation date :

7 juil. 2021

© All rights reserved to Plan Maison Québec
Montreal floor addition

Do you dream of having a big house but are too attached to your home to leave it? So do a house extension or a floor addition to your house. This way you will increase the surface area and habitable area of your house without having to move. Practical, right?

And to make your house extension plan, nothing better than calling on Plan Maison Québec , the expert in drawing house plans for new house construction and house renovation. Discover this Montreal family's floor addition project.

This family, living in Montreal , could no longer bear to lack space in their house but loved their house and its location too much to have to move and have a bigger house. They therefore contacted us to support them in their house expansion project and more precisely adding floors . Thanks to this development, this family can now enjoy a new room as well as a gallery, all above their garage.

So, how do you like the floor addition plans provided by our architectural technologist in charge of this project?

Contact us now so that you too can benefit from the expertise of a professional technologist for your new house construction or floor addition project. See you right away at Plan Maison Québec !

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This is why the first discussions with our architectural technologists and construction estimators to validate the feasibility of the project and your budget are free and without obligation.

Our professionals will also be happy to offer you valuable advice and guide you according to the stage of progress of the project, even if plans are not necessary at the moment.

Ready to get started? Make an appointment online:

*No fees or commitment

(Meeting with a construction technologist and estimator with ZOOM)


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